Step 2: Configure Profile

Once we have created the preceding policies, you would then bind them into a profile that you can then deploy.

Deploying the configuration using policies and profiles abstracts the configuration layer so that it can be repeatedly deployed quickly.

1. You can copy this profile and create a new one with modifications on the underlying policies within minutes, to one or more Kubernetes clusters, in a fraction of time needed for the manual process. Figure 5-20 illustrates the name and tag configuration in the profile.

Figure 5-20 Name and tag configuration in the profile

2. Set the Pool, Node OS, Network CIDR policies. You also need to configure a user ID and SSH key (public). Its corresponding private key would be used to ssh into the Master and Worker nodes. Figure 5-21 illustrates the created policies being referred to in the profile.

Figure 5-21 Created policies being referred to in the profile

3. Configure the control plane. You can define how many Master nodes you would need on the control plane. Figure 5-22 illustrates the K8s cluster configuration and number of Master nodes

Figure 5-22 Cluster configuration and number of Master nodes.

4. Configure the Worker nodes. Depending on the application requirements, you can scale up or scale down your Worker nodes. Figure 5-23 illustrates the K8s cluster configuration and number of Worker nodes.

Figure 5-23 Cluster configuration and number of Worker nodes.

5. Configure add-ons. As of now, you can automatically deploy Kubernetes Dashboard and Graffana with Prometheus monitoring. In the future, you can add more add-ons, which you can automatically deploy using IKS. Figure 5-24 illustrates the K8s cluster add-ons configuration.

Figure 5-24 Cluster add-ons configuration

6. Check the Summary and click Deploy.

Figure 5-25 illustrates the K8s cluster Summary and Deployment screen.

Figure 5-25 Cluster Summary and Deployment screen


Containers are the latest—and arguably one of the most powerful—technologies to emerge over the past few years to change the way we develop, deploy, and manage applications. The days of the massive software release are quickly becoming a thing of the past. In their place are continuous development and upgrade cycles that are allowing a lot more innovation and quicker time to market, with a lot less disruption—for customers and IT organizations alike.

With these new Cisco solutions, you can deploy, monitor, optimize, and auto-scale your applications.

Liam Smith Cisco Applications in Finance

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